An Inconvenient Truth


Last week Hannah and I where walking through down town Juneau. We had been walking for a while when we came across a poster advertising for “An Inconvenient Truth”. It was playing at another theater in town. (I was aware of 2 theaters in town but now to find a third? How many theaters does this town have?) We noted that the movie was only going to be playing for one more week so we told each other we would see it next weekend.

Last night we took our friends, Kyle and Leona to this movie and i really enjoyed it. The movie is a hard subject for me to talk about. I think if i did talk about it to much i would come out sounding like a hypocrite. But the movie does not make you feel that way. It just says the earth is hurting and we have to change. Here is what we need to start working to so that we can make that change.

I hope if you get a chance to watch this movie you will.

Movie Description

Director Davis Guggenheim eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Mr. Gore’s personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. “Al Gore strips his presentations of politics, laying out the facts for the audience to draw their own conclusions in a charming, funny and engaging style, and by the end has everyone on the edge of their seats, gripped by his haunting message,” said Guggenheim. An Inconvenient Truth is not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry to protect the one earth we all share. “It is now clear that we face a deepening global climate crisis that requires us to act boldly, quickly, and wisely,” said Gore.

The movie also shows a lot of Al Gore working on his Apple PowerBook G4 building his presentation in am Apple program called “Keynote“.


Movie Trailer

Movie Website
About the movie and the programs used

Redmond, We Have A Problem

Microsoft employee Rory Blyth:

I think IE is horribly behind the times. When every other browser on the planet that’s worth a damn supports tabbed browsing, it’s just crappy that I still have to have different copies of IE open to have multiple sites open at once.

As of right now, my favorite browser on the planet is Apple’s Safari.

A bewildered ex-Mac IE developer Jorg Brown recalls a conversation with a Microsoft superior:

Over the whole sad journey, the single most surprising thing I ever discovered was from a small conversation that went:

Me: “Look, if it makes sense to devote dozens of people to WinIE, then surely it makes sense to devote half a dozen to MacIE!”

Higher-up: (confused look) “There aren’t dozens of people on WinIE. WinIE had some great people on it! We need those great people on products that make money!”

Me: “Then why on earth did we pursue IE in the first place? Just so that the DOJ would sue us?”

Higher-up: (confused look)

Some day I hope to get a proper answer on our motivation to do WinIE and MacIE in the first place. It seems to be that we were scared of not having control of the HTML standard. And indeed, now that Firefox is gaining traction, Microsoft has added more people to WinIE again.

Epilogue: All of this made it a lot more easy for me to quit and go work at Google.

Related Link

Christmas On Guemes

The Christmas brake from work and the Emerald City was very good. I enjoyed the time off. I woke up Friday and cleaned my room, which had been an epic mess since my return from Idaho.

After it was cleaned up and I got out of the shower I, said good bye to my roommate and headed north to start my long weekend.

Traffic on I-405 and I-5 was not as bad as I had anticipated. It was a little rainy and as a result it seems like everyone had forgotten how to drive but me. It took me about 2 and a half hours to get from Renton to Burlington where I stopped at the local Mall to finish up some very last minute Christmas shopping for Hannah’s Side of the family.

While I was walking around the mall looking for gifts for everyone I felt someone pull at my arm and I saw that it was Erin who I had not seen in years. She sounded like she was doing very well was looking forward to Christmas. She was the only person I saw in the mall that day that I really remembered who she was. I saw a lot of other people who I recognized from high school and from living in Anacortes but I could not remember their names or who they where. I could tell by the looks in their eyes as we passed each other they where thinking along the same lines I was. So basically, No harm now foul.

Had Christmas with my mom and Kit on Guemes but that afternoon I spent with Hannah and her family. Gifts where exchanged. Stories where told. It was a good time.

I saw lots of Christmas lights and had way too much candy.

It was just a great weekend. I came back to work today feeling refreshed and recharged.

“Everybody Wants To Go For A Ride” By: Charlie and the Lonesome Cougars

Thursday night I played a show with Eric at Big Daddies place in Woodinville. It was very fun. Everyone seemed to like the music and a lot of people from Eric’s work showed up so that was also cool.

The down side to playing a place like Big Daddies is they force you to use their house drum kit. As a result the drums were not in tune, it’s not setup how I would normally play and I went through 3 drumsticks.

From the sound of things I will be getting a CD copy of the show, which I plan to put up as an MP3 for downloading.

Last night was probably the last time I will get to see Eric for a while. He is off to Chicago for work. Going to have to plan a trip to see him at some point. Maybe play a few more songs.

Take care of yourself Buddy!

Mood: Sleepy